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Seo mapa a rinn Michael Zeiler,, air eadar-theangachadh le Mìcheal Bauer (Akerbeltz) – co eile? Tha tionndadh  nas mionaidiche den mhapa  an seo: Tha barrachd mhapaichean mòran nas mionaidiche  an seo, sa Bheurla: Mòran taing dhan dà Mhìcheal! A Gaelic map of the Transit of Venus in June this year – a rare […]

Leasachadh na làraich agus ‘acadamaidh-sgilean’ ùr – tha sin a’ coimhead math. Tha sinn an dòchas gum bi cothroman gu leòr ann do dhaoine à coimhearsneachdan Rois an Ear. Mar a tha fios againn, chan e seo a bhios a’ tachairt an-còmhnaidh… BBC sa Bheurla:   The development of the site and a new ‘skills […]

Film beag ach tarraingeach a chuireas iongnadh ort: A fascinating wee film that will surprise you.  (4 mins 30 secs) Làrach-lìn FilmG: Film G site:      

Tha Tha farpais Film-G air a-nis agus tha Acadamaidh Rìoghial Baile-Dhubhthaich air an liosta  ‘Riochdachadh as fheàrr’  leis an fhiolm ghoirid seo,  An Tionnsgalair Craichte: The Gaelic short-film competition Film-G is on just now and Tain Royal Academy is on the short-list for the best production with their film ‘An Tionnsgalair Craichte’, against stiff competition from schools […]

Seo bhideo beag  glè shnog le Niall Iain mun bhliadhna a tha dìreach seachad – bha e trang le traineadh, ullachadh agus – glè chudromach – anns a bhith a’ togail airgead airson na h-iomairt-chartannais aige. This is a very nice wee video by Niall Iain about the year just past, where he was busy […]

This is a lovely CD and would make a great gift even for non-Gaelic speakers, as the music is sung / performed by top-class artistes, and is a melodious mixture of solo and choir, voice and instrumental. Listen to the likes of Julie Fowlis, James Graham, Inverness Gaelic choir, Flying Fiddles…and all giving their services free, […]

                Seo criomag audio /  here’s an audio-clip (Gaelic):

STORIES, MUSIC AND SONG RELATING TO THE FISHING AND LIFE IN THE SEABOARD     SPECIAL GUESTS   KATIE ROSS HANSY SUTHERLAND (sharing memories of how it was)   DAVINE SUTHERLAND MAUREEN ROSS (performing songs relating to the fishing)   SCOTT MURRAY (of the ‘Sangsters’)  Performing songs of the East Coast Fishing Communities   SEABOARD […]

Nach tèid sibh ann gus taic a thoirt dha leis a’ phròiseact aige? A bheil e cracte no gaisgeil, ‘s dòcha an dà chuid, ‘s e buidheann carthannais uabhasach cudromach a th’ ann an SAMH.   Turn out and support him with his fundraiding solo Atlantic row for SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health)! Mad or heroic […]

 Duilleag fhiosrachail air làrach-lìn Fèisean nan Gàidheal – barrachd ri leughadh agus ri chluinntinn an sin. Is math as fhiach dhuibh tadhal air an làrach lìn gu lèir. An informative page on the Fèisean nan Gàidheal website – more to read and to listen to over there. The whole site is well worth a visit! Bidh an logo […]