
bilingual blog dà-chànanach

Film beag ach tarraingeach a chuireas iongnadh ort:

A fascinating wee film that will surprise you.  (4 mins 30 secs)

Làrach-lìn FilmG:

Film G site:





1. It’s called ‘reading’ – it’s the way human beings install new software on their brains…

2.  –  Daddy, I’m thinking of taking up a career in organised crime…
– For the government, or in the private sector?

Am mac as fheàrr air an t-saoghal

Dithis bhoireannach san t-seòmar-feitheaimh aig stèisean pòilis.

A: Na mic, eh? Chan e càil ach dragh a bhios ort leotha!
B  UIll, ‘s e am mac as fheàrr air an t-saoghal a th’ agamsa!
A: Obh, a bheil? Nach gabh e smoc?
B: Cha ghabh.
A: Nach eil e dèidheil air uisge-beatha?
B: Chan eil.
A: Nach bidh e a’ tilleadh dhachaigh ann am meadhan na h-oidhche?
B: Cha bhi.
A: Nach eil bràmairean mì-fhreagarrach aige?
B: Chan eil.
A: Uill, tha thu ceart, ‘s e am mac as fheàrr a th’ agad da-rìribh! Nas fheàrr n’ am fear agamsa co-dhiù. Carson a tha thusa ann, ma-thà?
B: Ghoid cuidegin mo sporran.
A. Agus càite bheil do mhac mìorbhailleach nuair a tha feum agad air?
B: Och, tha esan aig an taigh còmhla ri athair. Tha co-là-breith aige.
A: Obh, dè an aois a tha e?
B: Aon bhliadhna a dh’aois an-diùgh!

The Best Son in the world.

Two women meet in the waiting-room at the police station.

A: Sons, eh? You have nothing but trouble with them!
B: Well, I have the best son in the world.
A: Oh, really? Doesn’t he smoke?
B: No, he doesn’t.
A: And he Isn’t fond of whiskey?
B: No, he isn’t.
A: He doesn’t come home in the middle of the night?
B: No, he doesn’t.
A: Doesn’t he have any unsuitable girlfriends?
B: No, he doesn’t.
A: Well, you really do have the best son. Better than my one, anyway. So why are you here?
B: Someone stole my purse.
A: Oh, so where’s your wonderful son when you need him?
B: Oh, he’s at home with his dad. It’s his birthday.
A: Oh, how old is he?
B: One year old today!

 – Look, Simba! Everything the light touches… is Lewis / Harris.
– What about that shadowy place?
– That’s Harris / Lewis. It’s beyond our borders. You must never go there, Simba.

(Substitute Hilton and Balintore, Ross-shire and Sutherland, Glasgow and Edinburgh… )


Anns an taigh-bìdh  / In the restaurant

Duine: Gabhaibh mo leisgeul , ach chunnaic mi gun robh ur òrdag anns a’ bhrot agam!
Fear-frithealaidh-  Mòran taing airson ur cùraim, ach cha ro e cho teth ri sin!

–  Waiter, I saw you had your thumb in my soup!
– Thank you for your concern, but it wasn’t that hot!

Boireannach: Seall seo ! Tha losgann anns a’  bhrot agam!
Fear-frithealaidh: Tha mi uabhasach duilich, tha a’ chuileag air làithean-saora!

Waiter, there’s a frog in my soup!
– I’m terribly sorry, but the fly’s on holiday!

Fear-frithealaidh (as dèidh a’ bhìdh): Bu toil leibh tì no cofaidh a-nis?
Duine 1: Gabhaidh mi tì.
Duine 2: Gabhaidh agus mise. Ach feuch gum bi an cupa glan an turas seo!
(Tha am fear-frithealaidh a’ dol dhan chidsin agus a’ tighinn air ais.)
Fear-frithealaidh: Seo an tì dhuibh. Cò aig an robh an cupa glan a-rithist?

Waiter (after the meal): Would you like tea or coffee now?
Customer 1: Tea, please.
Customer 2: Tea for me too – but make sure the cup is clean this time!
(Waiter goes off to the kitchen and comes back.)
Waiter: Here are your teas. Whose was the clean cup again?

Duine:  Seallaibh ris a’ chearc seo! Chan e ach craiceann is cnàmhan a th’ innte!
Fear-frithealaidh- Tha mi uabhasach duilich; am bu toil leibh na h-iteagan cuideachd?

Customer: Waiter, look at this chicken! It’s nothing but skin and bones.
Waiter: I’m terribly sorry; would you like the feathers, too?

And tonight on “Eorpa” : We visit Japan, where Nemo has at last been found…

Taing do dh’Akerbeltz / thanks to Akerbeltz for the cartoons!



Tha Tha farpais Film-G air a-nis agus tha Acadamaidh Rìoghial Baile-Dhubhthaich air an liosta  ‘Riochdachadh as fheàrr’  leis an fhiolm ghoirid seo,  An Tionnsgalair Craichte:

The Gaelic short-film competition Film-G is on just now and Tain Royal Academy is on the short-list for the best production with their film ‘An Tionnsgalair Craichte’, against stiff competition from schools in the stronger Gaelic-speaking areas like the Western Isles.

 Meal do naidheachd!  Congratulations!



Mions Meadhan-Thìreach  / Mediterranean Mince

Grìtheidean (airson 4)

500gr mions (mairtfheòil no uanfheòil)
2 chreamh-gàrraidh meadhanach, gun pairt uaine dorcha righinn
2 phiobar-cluig dearg
2 churran meadhanach
2 làn laimhe pònair Fhrangaich no ruith, no
pheasraichean mange-tout no sugar-snap
8 buntàta meadhanach ann an sliseagan (amh no deasaichte)
pacaid tomàtothan beaga cùbhraidh (cherry no baby plum)
2 mhuga sùgha-glasraich no sùgha-mairtfheòil / uanfheòil
leth-thuba uachdair no tuba beag iogairt Ghreugaich
leth-phacaid càise Feta Greugaich
piobar dubh garbh-bleithte (cha cleachd mise salann – tha salann gu leòr ann an sùghan malairteach)
lusan Meadhan-thìreach geàrrte

Ma bhios na buntàta amh, bruich nan sliseagan ann am pana iad fhad’s a bhios tu a deasachadh na grìtheidean eile.

Geàrr na creamhan-gàrraidh agus na pìobaran-cluig nan sliseagan agus bruich air an socair iad ann am beagan ola ann am pana mòr trom, air teas meadhanach. Geàrr na currain nam pìosan tana agus cuir anns a’ phana cuideachd iadsan, agus as dèidh sin na peasraichean mange-tout no pònairean. Caraich a h-uile rud bho àm gu àm gus nach bi an creamh-gàrraidh a’ fàs ro dhonn.

Cuir ris am mions, beag air bheag, agus praidhig a h-uile rud gus nach bi am mions dearg tuilleadh. Cur na lusan ris, agus piobar garbh-geàrrte gu leòr.

A-nis cuir an sùgh ann agus caraich gu math a-rithist e. Bu chòir dhan h-uile rud bruich gu sàmhach air teas meadhanach gun mhullach gus am bi a’ ghlasraich as chruaidhe al dente agus an sùgh air a lùghdachadh gu ìre mhath.

Anns an eadar-àm bidh na sliseagan buntàta deiseil. Tog bhon uisge iad agus cuir a’ mhòrchuid dhiubh gu faiceallach ris a’ mhions.

Cuir am mions ann an sreathan ann an soitheach quiche, le pìosan beaga càise feta eadar na sreathan, agus  deasaich am mullach leis na sliseagan bùntata air fhàgail agus na tomàtothan na dà-leth (taobh geàrrte shuas). Dòirt an t-uachdar no an t-iogart air agus cuir fon ghrìosach gus am bi a h-uile rud bòidheach donn. Agus sin agad e!



Mediterranean Mince

Ingredients (for 4)

500gr mince (beef or lamb)
2 medium leeks, without tough dark green part
2 red peppers
2 medium carrots
2 handfuls French or runner beans, or mange-tout / sugar-snap peas
8 medium potatoes in slices (raw or cooked)
packet of small aromatic tomatoes (cherry or baby plum)
2 mugs of stock (veg, beef or lamb)
half-tub of cream or small tub Greek yoghurt
half-pack of Greek feta cheese
rough-ground black pepper (no salt; enough in the stock)
Mediterranean herbs, chopped

If the potatoes are raw, put them on to boil in slices while you prepare the rest of the recipe.

Cut the leeks and peppers in slices and cook them gently in a little oil in a large heavy frying-pan on medium heat. Cut the carrots into matchstick slices and add them, then the beans or mange-tout peas. Stir everything from time to time so that the leeks don’t get too brown.

Add the mince a bit at a time and fry it all until the mince is slightly browned. Add the herbs, and plenty of rough-ground black pepper.

Now add the stock and stir again. Everything has to simmer away on medium heat without a lid till the toughest vegetables are al dente and the stock has reduced quite a bit.

In the meantime the potatoes will be cooked. Drain them and add the bulk of them carefully to the mince.

Layer the mince mixture in a large quiche dish, with crumbled feta cheese between the layers. Decorate the top with the remaining potato slices and the tomatoes, cut in half, cut side up. Pour the cream or yoghurt over it all and place under a hot grill till everything is nicely browned. That’s all there is to it!


Seo bhideo beag  glè shnog le Niall Iain mun bhliadhna a tha dìreach seachad – bha e trang le traineadh, ullachadh agus – glè chudromach – anns a bhith a’ togail airgead airson na h-iomairt-chartannais aige.

This is a very nice wee video by Niall Iain about the year just past, where he was busy with training, preparations, and – very important – raising money for his charity enterprise.



This is a lovely CD and would make a great gift even for non-Gaelic speakers, as the music is sung / performed by top-class artistes, and is a melodious mixture of solo and choir, voice and instrumental. Listen to the likes of Julie Fowlis, James Graham, Inverness Gaelic choir, Flying Fiddles…and all giving their services free, for a great cause!!

You can get it direct from the charity, or online and in local record shops.

A wee taste of a couple of tracks here:

Highland Hospice shop site:

And from both sites you can choose to have it sent overseas too!

Cruinneachadh Beag Geamhraidh / A Seasonal Selection


    Nollaig Chridheil!

 Nollaig Chridheil dhuibh uile gu lèir

is Bliadhna Mhath Èibhinn Ùr dhuibh!

Guidheamaid buaidh is piseach oirbh

nur laighe ‘s nur èirigh slàn;

ur taigh gun bhoinne snighe ann

is ur ciste-mhìne làn.


Merry Christmas to you and yours

and a Happy New Year to you!

Wishing you success, prosperity and health

in your lying down and your rising up;

May your house be without a leak

and your meal-chest always full.



 O Thigibh, A Chaomh-Shluagh
(O, Come, All Ye Faithful / Adeste Fideles)

O thigibh, a chaomh-shluagh,
Togarrach is aoibhneach,
O thigibh, O thigibh gu Bethlehem.
Thigibh is chì sibh
An naoidhean, Rìgh nan ainglean;

Séist (chorus):

O thugamaid dhà adhradh,
O thugamaid dhà adhradh,
O thugamaid dhà adhradh,
Rìgh na Glòir

Rann (verse):

Fìor Dhia, O fhìor Dhia,
Soills’ on t-Soillse shìorraidh;
Cha bu ni ro shuarach leis a bhreith le Oigh:
Mac an Athar shìorraidh
Ginte, chan ann dèante;

Séist (chorus)

O ainglean na glòrach,
Seinnibh caithream-buaidh dhà,
A’ lionadh nan Nèamh le fuaim ur cruitean oir.
Glòir agus moladh
Biodh do Dhia sna h-àrdaibh;

Séist (chorus))

O fàilte do’n Tighearna
Rugadh gus ar saoradh;
Dhad Ainm-sa ro uasal gu robh cliù gu bràth.
Facal an Athar
Nis air teachd ‘san daonndachd;

Séist (chorus)


This poem was repeated the first thing on the first day of the year. It was common throughout the Highlands and Islands.  (A. Carmichael, Carmina Gadelica)

Beannachadh Bliadhna Ùir

DHÈ, beannaich dhomh an là ùr,
Nach do thuradh dhomh roimhe riamh;
Is ann gu beannachadh do ghnuis,
Thug thu ’n ùine seo dhomh, a Dhia.

Beannaich thusa dhomh mo shùil,
Beannaicheadh mo shùil na chi;
Beannaichidh mise mo nabaidh,
Beannaicheadh mo nabaidh mi.

Dhè tabhair dhomh-sa cridhe glan,
Na leig a seall do shùla mi;
Beannaich dhomh mo ghin ’s mo bhean,
’S beannaich dhomh mo nearc ’s mo nì. 

The Blessing of the New Year

GOD, bless to me the new day,
Never vouchsafed to me before;
It is to bless Thine own presence
Thou hast given me this time, O God.

Bless Thou to me mine eye,
May mine eye bless all it sees;
I will bless my neighbour,
May my neighbour bless me.

God, give me a clean heart,
Let me not from sight of Thine eye;
Bless to me my children and my wife,
And bless to me my means and my cattle.



Bliadhna Mhath Ùr!

Guma fada beò sibh
Smùid ás ur taigh
Feusd air ur bòrd
Dram nur botul
agus aotromas nur cridhe.

 Long may you live
With smoke from your house
A feast on your table
A dram in your bottle
And happiness in your heart!

Làrach-lìn trì-chànanach ùr mu bheatha Chaluim Chille, le fiosrachadh mionaideach mu na h-àiteachean far an do shiùbhail e – eadar Èirinn agus Ros an Ear. Mòran dhealbhan brèagha, nam measg feadhainn de na tursachan Cruithneach againn fhìn:

Thoir sùil air – is fhiach e e!

A new trilingual site about the life of St Columba, with detailed information about the places he travelled to, from Ireland to Easter Ross. Lots of beautiful photos, among them some of our own Pictish Stones:

Well worth a good look!


Air a’ BhBC sa Ghàidhlig:

Agus sa Bheurla / in English:

Bidh sinn an dòchas gum bi a h-uile rud a’ dol air adhart gun dàil a-nis, agus gum bi na cothroman obrach a’ dol dha-rìridh gu daoine as an sgìre.

Let’s hope that all now goes ahead without delay, and the job opportunities really do go to locals!