Aithisg ùr / new report:
“Tha buaidh eaconamach nam fèisean a’ cur còrr is £2m gach bliadhna, a rèir aithisg a chaidh iarraidh le Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd is na h-Eileanan (HIE)…….
The economic impact of the fèis movement is £2m annually, according to a report for Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).
Kiltearn Fiddlers at Blas finale, Eden Court
……..Tha na fèisean a’ tabhainn luchd-cluiche tàlantach airson na gnìomhachasan cruthachail – aon dhen phrìomh roinnean ann an Alba a tha a’ cumail taic ri eaconamaidh turasachd agus cothroman obrach ann an sgìrean dùbhlanach. Tha Fèisean nan Gàidheal a’ cur air dòigh Fèis Bhlas agus chaidh an àireamh de luchd-amharc a bha a’ frithealadh na fèise seo suas 27% an-uiridh. Bha fèis na bliadhnsa air a cumail eadar 3 agus 12 Sultain…….
The fèisean provides a feedstock of talented performers for the creative industries which is one of Scotland’s key sectors supporting the tourism economy and work opportunities in fragile and remote areas. The Blas Festival which is organised by Fèisean nan Gàidheal saw a 27 per cent increase in people attending last year compared to 2008 with an audience of 12,000. This year’s Blas festival took place from 3-12 September across the Highlands…..”
Barrachd an seo / more here:
agus cumaibh sùil a-mach – tha iomadh prògram bhon Fhèis “Blas“ air BBC Alba an-dràsta, m.e. oidhche Sathairne /keep an eye out – lots of Blas programmes on BBC Alba just now, eg this Saturday night: