Cha robh Runrig air an rathad fad bliadhna, gus beagan fois a ghabhail agus gus ùine fhaighinn airson pròiseactan ùra le buill a’ chòmhlain leotha fhèin.
Bha CD ùr aig Bruce, mar-thà, Celtic Crossing:
agus aig Brian, A Hundred Thousand Welcomes:
agus a-nis bidh CD le Rory agus Calum a’ nochdadh aig deireadh a’ Ghiblein, leis an ainm The Band from Rockall. Tha criomagan tarraingeach rin cluinntinn an seo:
Tha an CD (agus an fheadainn le Bruce agus Brian, agus a h-uile clàradh le Runrig fhèin) ri fhaighinn air an larach-lìn oifigeil:
agus tha làrach-lìn aca fhèin ann a-nis:
Carson ‘Rockall’?
The Band From Rockall project is the first solo recording from Runrig songwriters, Calum and Rory Macdonald. Calum and Rory have had a long held desire to record an album, centered on the songwriting, with a musical ethos that was all about getting to the heart of the song. The inspiration for the songs and the musical context is the experience of growing up in the Western Isles in the late 50s and 60s, at a point in time when rock ’n’ roll and the emerging pop culture impacted on the Gaelic community.
Rockall is apt as a piece of symbolism for the project – a place of transient identity – lying half way between the Hebrides and America – half way between rock ’n’ roll and the ceilidh house.