Bha Mìchael Bauer, aka Akerbeltz – deasaiche Dwelly air-loidhne agus Am Faclair Beag air loidhne, am fear a thug Firefox sa Ghàidhlig, dearbhadair litreachaidh Gàidhlig agus làraichean-lìn eile feumail, agus fiù ‘s geamannan eadar-lìn Gàidhlig dhuinn, a h-uile rud saor an-asgaidh – gu math trang am bliadhna.
Am Faclair Beag:
Dwelly air loidhne:
Akerbeltz (gràmar amsaa):
Anns an Earrach nochd Blas na Gàidhlig, leabhar mu fhuaimneachadh na Gàidhlig ach le mòran , mòran fiosrachaidh eile ann, agus air a sgrìobhadh ann an stoidhle a tha gu math fosgailte, eirmseach, uaireannan èibhinn. Tha faidhlichean-fuaim (nan ceudan!) air làrach-lìn sonraichte cuideachd, gus an cluinnear gach eisimpleir.
Agus a-nis bidh tionndadh ùr “pàipeir” Dwelly’s Illustrated Gaelic-English Dictionary ann a dh’aithghearr, air a dheasachadh le Mìcheal còir cuideachd, rud air an robh feum againn fad deicheadan. ‘S e tionndadh didseatach a th’ ann, mòran nas fhasa ri leughadh na na droch leth-bric le clò beag salach a bha ann gu ruige seo.
Tha adhbharan gu leòr ann a bhith taingeil do Mhìcheal! Thug e uiread saor an-asgaidh dhuinn ; tha an t-àm aige a-nis rudeigin a choisinn leis na leabhraichean ùra aige. Mholainn na h-obraichean seo dhuibh!
MIchael Bauer, aka Akerbeltz, is the man who gave us Dwelly online, Am Faclair Beag online, Firefox and other software in Gaelic, a Gaelic spell-check, even computer games in Gaelic – all free. He’s been very busy this year and produced two new, much needed-books, and I hope that with these he can finally earn some well-deserved money from his efforts for Gaelic .
His Blas na Gàidhlig, on Gaelic pronunciation (with hundreds of online soundfiles), is far more than a pronunciation book, covering grammar points like lenition and enough snippets of interesting history to understand why some things seem so strange. It’s written in an accessible, often witty style, and is already clearly set to become a standard work.
His new work is an up-to-date version of Dwelly’s famous Illustrated Gaelic-English Dictionary, and this new digitally-based edition (due out 30 Nov) will be much easier to read than the smudged, small-print ones going around, and incorporate some corrections and a new explanatory foreword.
I can recommend anything Michael does – he’s an enthusiast as well as a scholar, and this joy comes across clearly. I hope libraries and individuals round the word invest in these books – they won’t regret it!
An interview with Michael here:
Taing mhòr do Mhìcheal!