Òran traidiseanta bòidheach agus beagan dìomhair, freagarrach do àm na bliadhna – mu chaileag nach do gabh a’ chomhairle aice fhèin, a rèir coltais! Mar chuimhneachan air Iseabail Nic Asgaill, a chaochail gun dùil ris o chionn ghoirid, a sheinneadh an t-òran seo cho àlainn ri smeòrach i-fhèin.
Thig an smeòrach as t-Earrach
Thig a’ chuthag ’s a’ Chèitein
‘S bidh gach eun anns an doire
Cumail coinneamh ri chèile
Seinn ciùil air bhàrr chrannaibh
‘S air bharraibh nan geugan
Agus mise ‘s mo leannan
Dol nas fhaide bho chèile
Tha mo chìnn air an fhleasgach
Dhonn leadannach bhòidheach
Dhan a chinneadh nach strìochdadh
‘S e de iarfhuil Chlann Dòmhnaill
‘S mòr gum b’fhearr dhomh bhi agad
Le beagan de stòras
Na le buaile chrodh ballach agus
Balach nach b’eòlach
Comhairle bheirinns’ air caileig
Gun bhith amaideach gòrach
Gun i thoirt a gaol falaich
Do bhalach nach b’eòlach
Bidh e briathrach ri tighinn
‘S bidh a chridhe na ròitean
‘S bidh a shùil a’s a dhèidh
Ach cò an roghainn as bòidhche
The Mavis will come in the Spring
A lovely and rather mysterious traditional song, appropriate for this time of year, about a girl who clearly hasn’ t taken her own advice!
In memory of singer Ishbel Macaskill, who died unexpectedly recently, and who sang this song as beautifully as any mavis. (YouTube link below.)
The mavis will come in the spring
The cuckoo will come in May
Each bird in the forest
Will be getting closer together
Making music on the treetops
And on top of the branches
While my love and I Do
Grow further and further apart
My desire is the handsome youth
Of the beautiful brown hair
Of the steadfast clan
Being true-blooded Clan Donald
I would be better off with you
With little in store
Than with a fold of cattle and
A foolish boy.
My advice to a young girl
Don’t be foolish and stupid
Don’t give your love to
A young man you don’t know well
He’ll start with sweet words
But his heart will be as ice
And his eyes will be looking back
To see who is the prettiest around
Ishbel singing this on YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS6yuJx46nY
Songthrush (mavis) photo (Creative Commons) by aigledayres http://www.flickr.com/photos/aigledayres/4634692247/in/photostream/