Nuair a chaidh a’ phàirt ìosal den leac (a tha san Talla a-nis) a lorg ann an 2001, aig tobhta a’ chaibeil faisg air an làrach far a bheil an leac ath-chruthaichte latha an-diugh, bha mòran mòran mhìrean bìodach den phannal-chùil thùsail ri lorg cuideachd. Tha iad cho beag agus tha an uiread dhiubh ann ‘s gu bheil e gu math doirbh na patranan nas motha fhaighinn a-mach……
When the lower part of the stone (now in the Hall) was found in 2001, at the chapel ruins near the location of the recreated stone today, many many tiny pieces of the orginal back panel were to be found too. They are so small and there so many of them that it’s extremely difficult to find the bigger patterns…..
Enter the techies. A Scottish company called Relicarte has transformed the fragments into 3-D virtual objects and made them available to the public in a special application. Starting in late October 2013, gamers could use their spatial reasoning skills to reassemble the slab. “The ability to manipulate 3-D images easily and interact over social media is key,” says Mhairi Maxwell, an NMS curator. “Archaeology has always had to draw upon a diverse range of skill sets for understanding the past—it is both an art and a science.” The researchers don’t know how long the process will take, but it will certainly be faster than the old-fashioned way.
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