Tha artaigil, no aithris, glè mhath mun ‘Seaboard Memorial Hall’ air làrach-lìn Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ‘s nan Eilean (HIE), a bhios fhèin a’ toirt taic dhan talla agus dha tachartasan eadar-dhealaichte na coimhearsnachd a bhios a’ gabhail pàirt ann. Tha HIE ag aithneachadh gur e an obair a bhios  muinntir na sgìre a’ dèanamh, an obair shaor-thoilleach cuideachd, a bhios a’ cumail nan cùisean a’ dol, agus gur e talla coimhearsnachd air leth soirbheachail a th’ againn. Tha dealbhan brèagha ann cuideachd. Thoiribh sùil air!


 There’s a very good article, or report, about the Seaboard Memorial Hall on the website of Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), which itself supports the hall and the community events that take place there.  HIE recognises that it’s the work of local people, voluntary work too, which keeps things going, and says that it’s an exceptionally successful hall. There are some very good pictures there too – have a look!