Naidheachd mhath bho Fhèis Rois air  ‘S urrainn dhuibh clàrachadh air loidhne.

Good news from Fèis Rois on their website. You can register online.

Dihaoine 17th agus Latha na Sàbaid 19th Ògmhios 2011 còmhla ri Matheu Watson (guitar and fiddle) , Jarlath Henderson (whistles and small pipes) and Alana Henderson (traditional song and cello).

Tha Fèis Rois uabhasach fhèin toilichte a bhith a’ cur an cèill gu bheil prògram ùr aice de dh’Fhèisean ùr-ghnàthach a bhios gan cumail aig an deireadh-seachdain le feadhainn de na còmhlain traidiseanta as fheàrr ann an Alba mar luchd-teagasg. Seo cothrom do dhaoine òga eadar S3 agus 25 bliadhna a dh’aois a bhith a’ faighinn 10 uairean de theagasg aig ìre sàr-chlas. Tha na deiridhean-seachdain seo airson daoine aig a bheil deagh chomas mu thràth, aig ìre àrd-mheadhanach no adhartach, air seinn no air ionnstramaid. A bharrachd air teagasg fhaighinn bhon luchd-ciùil iongantach seo, bidh cothrom agad cluich còmhla riutha air an oidhche Shathairne

Friday 17th – Sunday 19th June 2011 with Matheu Watson (guitar and fiddle) , Jarlath Henderson (whistles and small pipes) and Alana Henderson (traditional song and cello).

 Fèis Rois is very excited to announce a new programme of innovative weekend Fèisean, featuring some of Scotland’s most prolific traditional bands as tutors. These intensive weekends offer young people from S3 to the age of 25 the opportunity to participate in 10 hours of master-class level tuition. The course is for people who are already playing to an upper intermediate or advanced standard. As well as being tutored by these fantastic musicians, you will also have the opportunity to perform alongside them at a concert on the Saturday night.