Seo bhideo uabhasach àlainn le Lucy Hughes mu leumadairean-mara na Linne Mhoreibh timcheall air Rubha na Cananaich is na Sùdraichean, is e air a dhèanamh fad cuid de thadhalaichean agus air a dheasachadh gu h- ealanta.

This is a gorgeous video by Lucy Hughes of the Moray Firth dolphins around Chanonry Point and the Sutors, taken over several visits and beautifully edited.


Thanks to Lucy for making this available on YouTube and enabling embedding.

Ùrachadh: ceangal gu artaigil le dealbhan uabhasach math soilleir is faisg bho Tim Stenton, is na leumadairean-mara a’ cluiche os cionn uachdar na linne.

Edit: link to article with brilliant, clear close-up photos by Tim Stenton of the dolphins playing above the surface of the firth: